Home » Variable Frequency Drives » 30 HP VFD, 400 volt low voltage VFD drive
30 HP VFD, 400 volt low voltage VFD drive

VFD Capacity: 30 HP (22 kW)
Input: 3 phase 50 / 60 Hertz, 400 V AC ± 15%
Working current: 45 amps
VFD Control mode: V/F control, closed loop vector control
Overload capacity: 150% rated current for 1 minute
Communication: RS 485/232 (in option, save 30 $ if you don't need it)
Enclosure: IP 20
VFD dimension: 430*260*261 mm
Gross weight: 18 kgs
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Manufactures by Shenzhen Gozuk in China.
Tips: What kinds of applications can be used with variable frequency drives?
Low voltage variable frequency drive is a good place to start, then progress to medium and high voltage later. There are lots of applications to apply low voltage variable frequency drives to. The last 10 years the majority of our transporter carriages have been converted to VFD with encoder feedback for speed and positional control. This has eliminated a lot of mechanical complexities. The other aspect which was a selling point when VFDs first appeared, and it is a valid point, VFD on pump and fan applications are large energy savings can be achieved by controlling the motor below base speed. The feeling of achievement when you commission a variable speed drive and it performs just how you designed it is gratifying. The capabilities of VFDs now compared to 30 years or more ago are so much greater. we have Gozuk low cost VFDs with PLCs built in to them which we use as remote I/O and control.
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